Inside Track Club members can buy the ZURICH ZR15s OBD2 Code Reader with 3.5 in. Display and Active Test/FixAssist (Item 57662) for $259.99, valid through August 1, 2024.
Compare our price of $259.99 to BLUE-POINT at $545.00 (model number: EECR5A). Save $285 by shopping at Harbor Freight.
The ZR15S OBD2 Code Reader by ZURICH® is your ultimate solution for Check Engine Light on virtually all domestic and foreign (OBD2 Compatible) vehicles. It provides comprehensive information on a 3.5 in. color screen plus SMOG emission readiness indicators for quick result review. In addition, ZR15S also supports graphing up-to 4 Parameters Identifications (PIDs) on the screen with Record/Playback feature and has built-in database for driving cycle procedure.
The ZURICH ZR15s OBD2 Code Reader with 3.5 in. Display and Active Test/FixAssist (Item 57662) has a 4.5-star rating on Save on Harbor Freight’s customer favorites with our super coupons. Search our Harbor Freight coupons for deals on Harbor Freight’s generators, air compressors, power tools, and more.