Buy the HAUL-MASTER 10 in. Pneumatic Tire with White Hub (Item 30900) for $4.99, valid through December 4, 2022.
Compare our price of $4.99 to FARM AND RANCH at $8.78 (model number: FR1055). Save 43% by shopping at Harbor Freight.
This heavy duty steel hub pneumatic tire is perfect for keeping dollies, wagons or carts rolling smoothly. The tire has a high quality rubber casing designed for long life. This ideal replacement pneumatic tire is great for wagons and other lawn/garden applications.
The HAUL-MASTER 10 in. Pneumatic Tire with White Hub (Item 30900 / 62388 / 62409 / 62698 / 69385) has a 4.5-star rating on Save on Harbor Freight’s customer favorites with our super coupons. Search our Harbor Freight coupons for deals on Harbor Freight’s generators, air compressors, power tools, and more.