Inside Track Club members can buy the WINDSOR DESIGN 8 Drawer Wood Tool Chest (Item 62585) for $64.99 with coupon code 54862205, valid through February 24, 2022. See the coupon for details.
Compare our price of $64.99 to GERSTNER at $288.00 (model number: 96M01.26). Save $223 by shopping at Harbor Freight.
This attractive wood tool chest is crafted of hardwood with a walnut stain making it the perfect way to store your calipers, micrometers and other fine tools. The eight drawers are lined with felt for protection and to help prevent rust. The inside lid is fitted with a machinist’s safety mirror, originally designed for first aid in case debris gets in one’s eyes.
The WINDSOR DESIGN 8 Drawer Wood Tool Chest (Item 94538 / 62585 / 92728) has a 4.5-star rating on Save on Harbor Freight’s customer favorites with our super coupons. Search our Harbor Freight coupons for deals on Harbor Freight’s generators, air compressors, power tools, and more.