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PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE 1250 lb. Capacity Vehicle Positioning Wheel Dolly for $79.99

Code 100000000 · Exp. 9/30/2021

Buy the PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE 1250 lb. Capacity Vehicle Positioning Wheel Dolly (Item 61917) for $79.99, valid through September 30, 2021.

Compare our price of $79.99 to SUNEX TOOLS at $166.99 (model number: 7708). Save $87 by shopping at Harbor Freight.

This heavy duty vehicle positioning wheel dolly has a built-in jack to let you lift individual wheel weight up to 1250 lb.. Using the foot pedal ratchet system to lift up a tire, your hands are free for positioning and making safe adjustments. The self-loading wheel dolly comes with a convenient carry handle, smooth rolling swivel casters and a space-saving foldable design.

The PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE 1250 lb. Capacity Vehicle Positioning Wheel Dolly (Item 61917 / 62234 / 67287) has a 4.5-star rating on Save on Harbor Freight’s customer favorites with our super coupons. Search our Harbor Freight coupons for deals on Harbor Freight’s generators, air compressors, power tools, and more.

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