Buy the CHICAGO ELECTRIC Dual Drum Rotary Rock Tumbler (Item 67632) for $42.99 with coupon code 90956112, valid through June 30, 2020. See the coupon for details.
Compare our price of $42.99 to Thumler at $129.99 (model number: IK-612547). Save $87 by shopping at Harbor Freight.
Get a smooth, polished finish on rocks, semi-precious stones, glass, even metals! Quiet low-speed tumbler is designed to run for days at a time, ensuring a smooth, lustrous finish.
The CHICAGO ELECTRIC Dual Drum Rotary Rock Tumbler (Item 67632 / 65840 / 90979) has a 4-star rating on Stretch your dollar further at Harbor Freight. Shop our Items Under $10 Sale, going on now through June 30, 2020.