Buy the FRANKLIN 40 In. Lightweight Aluminum Work Platform (Item 56203) for $35.99 with coupon code 37060789, valid through June 30, 2020. See the coupon for details.
Compare our price of $35.99 to Werner at $44.98 (model number: AP-20). Save 19% by shopping at Harbor Freight.
The 40 In. Lightweight Aluminum Work Platform from Franklin is foldable, compact and lightweight. The platform has a generous 12 in. x 40 in. surface area combined with 20.5 in. standing height. It’s ideal for painting, working around windows, and household renovations.
The FRANKLIN 40 In. Lightweight Aluminum Work Platform (Item 56203) has a 5-star rating on Save with Harbor Freight’s customer favorites during our Customer Favorites sale, going on now through June 30, 2020.