Buy the HAUL-MASTER E-Track Ring (Item 66728) for $3.99 with coupon code 74796032, valid through June 30, 2020. See the coupon for details.
Compare our price of $3.99 to Cargo Smart at $10.99 (model number: 49810). Save 63% by shopping at Harbor Freight.
This e-track ring can be used with ropes, bed nets or tie down straps to hold down and secure cargo with our e-tracks. The e-track ring is fully adjustable for use on different mounting points and is rated to secure up to 2000 lbs. safely.
The HAUL-MASTER E-Track Ring (Item 66728) has a 5-star rating on with Harbor Freight’s customer favorites during our Customer Favorites sale, going on now through June 30, 2020.