Buy the BADLAND Snatch Block (Item 61673) for $19.99 with coupon code 74788500, valid through June 30, 2020. See the coupon for details.
Compare our price of $19.99 to Warn at $42.99 (model number: WAR88898). Save 53% by shopping at Harbor Freight.
This rugged lightweight snatch block can double the pulling power of any winch. Use the snatch block in all recovery situations to reduce heat, strain and amp draw. For difficult recovery operations the snatch block can help you get a better angle for your pull. With proper use a snatch block is the ultimate winch accessory.
The BADLAND Snatch Block (Item 61673 / 62435) has a 5-star rating on with Harbor Freight’s customer favorites during our Customer Favorites sale, going on now through June 30, 2020.