The ZR13 OBD2 Code Reader by Zurich is the ultimate in code readers. Buy this Zurich code reader (SKU 63806) for just $159.99 with coupon code 49766862, now through November 16, 2019. This coupon code works at your local Harbor Freight store and online at See the coupon for details.
The ZR13 works on virtually all domestic, European and Asian vehicles. It diagnoses and erases ABS codes and lights, is equipped to graph and record live data, and allows technicians to reset the battery. It is the only Zurich reader that can diagnose and erase SRS codes and lights. It is also equipped with FixAssist®, which diagnoses the trouble code your vehicle is experiencing and provides the most likely solutions for repair, drawn from the vehicle manufacturer’s real-time field database. The ZR13 includes an OBD connector with an LED light, making it easier to access the under-dash port.